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December 06, 2008


Joachim Luis

Thank you for coming out to hear us Friday morning! I/we appreciate all of your input and help

Amanda White

It's good to know your stance on acting/blocking in an audition. Directors have differing opinions about this and if you don't have the inside scoop, it's impossible to know if the people hearing you want to see blocking, gesturing, or neither. I have been told before that I lost points in an audition for standing still. I wish you people would make up your collective mind!!! :)


Standing completely still, motionless, is the one extreme; elaborate production - whether nods and winks Wasilla style, or stabbing yourself and falling to the ground dead as a tenor once did to me when enacting the death of Otello, is too much. Standing reasonably still, but with some natural but not self conscious gesture in response to the music and thought behind it, is of course just fine. Leporello should leave his catalogue at home. But if you bring a list of ar1as including Oktavian, Cherubino and Siebel, wearing slacks might not be a bad idea. So make a sound and sensible judgment on a case by case basis and you will be just fine.

Amanda White

OMG somebody stabbed himself?? Could you keep from laughing? Thanks for your advice. I usually compromise by using gestures but not blocking (unless I know what the auditors want), but even then I still get in trouble sometimes. I just hope if they like me enough to hire me they won't let that stop them!

Amanda White

OMG somebody stabbed himself?? Could you keep from laughing? Thanks for your advice. I usually compromise by using gestures but not blocking (unless I know what the auditors want), but even then I still get in trouble sometimes. I just hope if they like me enough to hire me they won't let that stop them!


Thank you very much for your advice. I always appreciate an opinion on the acting/no acting conundrum.

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